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About Gill Millard Lic.Ac MBAcC

Please note that for aromatherapy Gill sees female clients only


I am a fully qualified acupuncturist and aromatherapist.  I offer a variety of acupuncture and aromatherapy massage treatments aimed at providing relaxation within an holistic and therapeutic manner. I am a registered member of the British Acupuncture Council.


Having studied Chinese Medicine, I am an ardent supporter of viewing the body as a whole being so that any therapeutic work will affect both mind, body and spirit.  Seeing each client as an individual whose treatment will reflect their needs at any given moment in time.  Any therapeutic work that we can do to help our own bodies to feel more balanced and healthier must surely have a positive effect not only for our own wellbeing but also on the wellbeing of those around us.


My practice includes pregnancy massage, which is a wonderful choice for pre-natal care. Massage relieves many of the normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy, such as backache.


I am based in the beautiful surroundings of the South Downs in Pulborough.

Gill Millard
Gill Millard

Lic.Ac MBAcC

Following a move from Southend, Essex to Pulborough, West Sussex,  I began to consider new horizons.


Not just in terms of location, but in terms of my career also.

Having spent ten very happy years as a primary school teacher, and having a partner who'd recently made the brave decision to delve into a second career, it seemed the right time to think about my future and whether to continue as I was or branch out and try something new.


The realisation that retirement wasn't really going to be an option for many, many years to come and even then for both of us, we would probably keep on going until we drop, made the decision to have a second career more acceptable.


So the decision was made that I would train in Chinese Medicine  and join the family 'firm' as a qualified acupuncturist.  Whilst training, I gained further qualifications in massage and aromatherapy which I love.  Aromatherapy encapsulates all the good stuff that Chinese medicine focuses on ie the client being seen as a whole person rather than individual bits and pieces.  The chance to be held in a space that places your wellbeing and health at the forefront.


I have nothing but praise for the staff and lecturers at ICOM (International College of Oriental Medicine based in East Grinstead) who have opened my eyes to how we all interact with each other, our environment and ourselves.  How each and every one of us has a role to play in life and how important it is to try and follow the correct way.  Because when we do, our minds and bodies follow suit and life becomes just that little bit more relaxing and easier.


As my aromatherapy teacher would say,


Love and light.

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